
    Dog from the 90s or Dachshund with parents who grew up in the 90s?

    A black and tan dachshund wearing a teal hat sitting inside a pet stroller in a store aisle. The dog is looking straight at the camera.

    🐶 I would never allow anyone else to yell at me like the way my dog does when she is telling me to hurry up when feeding her.

    🐶 Cocoa and I were in and out of the house until 5:30 this morning because she wasn’t feeling well. I’m exhausted.

    🐶 Does anyone else use their fur babies as test snaps after buying a new camera, or is it just me?

    I’m still trying to understand the controls of the Ricoh GRIIIx, but here’s one SOOC. Still debatable if Cocoa likes it or not.

    a dachshund on a ramp by a couch

    Day 26: critter

    I initially thought a critter is just a bug, and I was going to say that Cocoa has been told she looked like a bug. After consulting the dictionary, it looks like a critter is just an animal so this works perfectly. Hello world, meet Cocoa 🐶: my senior dachshund.

    a dachshund wearing a gray hoodie sitting in a stroller


    Day 18: mood

    Cocoa is always sleeping, and if she’s not sleeping… she’s yawning because she’s sleepy. This perfectly represents my mood, because I, too, am always sleepy.

    Dacshund sitting on the couch yawning in front of the camera


    🐶 Cocoa’s day at the dentist (yesterday)

    I’m always anxious every time Cocoa goes to the dentist, especially now that she’s getting older (she’s turning 13 in September). If you are not familiar with dental procedures for dogs, they knock them out so that they can properly clean their teeth. There are a lot of horror stories of dogs not waking up from the procedure due to complications. Of course, as dogs get older, the risks also increase.

    The vet typically does blood tests and check for heart issues before applying the anesthesia. Those are not perfect so even if the results come out positive, there is still that risk. I feel like I stop breathing for those few hours I await for the vet’s call to let me know that Cocoa is awake and recovering.

    Thankfully, Cocoa did beautifully (vet tech’s exact words) during her dental cleaning yesterday. We were reminded that she has 2 missing teeth, but no further extractions were needed.

    Here she is still super groggy from the anesthesia. Her throat is a little raspy from the tube during the procedure but she’s doing well. Appetite is there and she is drinking water.

    I am thankful.

    sleeping dog in a car seat