- Days 29 and 30 were just housekeeping posts: part 1 and part 2. You’ll find an index of all my posts mentioned here.
- Day 31 is my Challenge Retrospective, as well as what’s next for me.
- CampSnap Camera: my favorite no frills, screen free digital camera that encourages me to stay in the moment.
- The Sound of my Voice: my thoughts on Micro.blog’s new audio narration feature. Contemplating whether or not to use it.
- Week Notes 006 - this week was a heavy week so this is a short one.
- Overthinking my superpower - in my need to balance my heavy posts the past few days, I needed to write something lighthearted to take my mind off things. What would your superpower be?
- On Grief and Loss - My thoughts on how growing older is just a journey of learning to let go while still holding on.
- I don’t want to talk about myself - This is me writing about myself while talking about not wanting to talk about myself.
Wrapped up May’s WeblogPoMo challenge yesterday with 31/31 posts completed.
Last three posts below:
Days 27 and 28 of WeblogPoMo2024
Almost at the finish line…
Days 26 of WeblogPoMo2024
A little less than a week left of this month’s challenge and still (kind of) going strong. Excited to change things up a bit in June for the JUnited: A Blog Love Letter challenge. Looking forward to discovering new blogs that people in the community also enjoy. Stay tuned!
Days 24 and 25 of WeblogPoMo2024
Days 22 and 23 of WeblogPoMo2024
Just catching up:
Day 21 of WeblogPoMo2024
I planned to write something different today, but I needed to give myself a pep talk. Listing out a few quotes to help get me by in the meantime.
Day 20 of WeblogPoMo2024
I hit my 365 days streak of Duolingo today! I absolutely failed learning Chinese but I think I’m doing pretty well increasing my Spanish fluency. Started off around 30% fluency and I’d like to think I’m at 45% when it comes to reading Spanish now. It’s something, at least!
Day 19 of WeblogPoMo2024
I’m staring at a blank screen (or not so blank after writing these words), and I honestly have no idea what to write for today. As I sip my cup of coffee, a realization hits me. Maybe I’ll write about my cup of coffee.
Day 18 of WeblogPoMo2024
I try to funnel a lot of my posts through my Mb hosted page to keep everything somewhat centralized, which causes my blogging workflow to be somewhat tedious. I know that there is an automated way to do this but the manual process gives me some level of control for now.
Day 17 of WeblogPoMo2024
I had a lot of internalized feelings growing up, especially as someone in a very strict household. Feelings were weird, we didn’t show a lot of it in my family growing up… but I had so, so many feelings and I didn’t know how to deal with it. Then I found writing.