
    The Muse That Keeps Getting Away

    There are many ways I come up with blog post topics to publish. Most days, I sit down in front of my computer (or phone) and allow myself to just type, see what comes out, and then refine. Other times, I write intentional posts about topics… Continue reading →

    Photo of author wearing a purple snowboard jacket, goggles, and hat going down a snowy slope

    I joined Mb at the tail end of March and have never done a proper intro. It’s intentional because I don’t like talking about myself. However, we were encouraged to post one up as a part of Blaugust so an Intro post it is. Read more here →

    Thinking Out Loud About My Photos Overload

    One of the things I’m trying to make a habit of is posting more frequently (or often) in my photoblog page. My posts have always been slightly sporadic, and definitely not consistent since I started that site (last year). Continue Reading →

    On keeping a book past its due date.

    I consider myself a pretty fast reader. I typically get through a book way before it needs to be returned back on Libby1. I get 21 days to finish a book (although my friends have reported 14 days), and that is usually plenty of time. Continue Reading →

    Today is apparently National Camera Day. I have no idea who comes up with these seemingly random National holidays, but I’m here for it.

    And so today got me thinking of some of the digital cameras I’ve owned in the past. Continue Reading →

    I heard there was a heatwave going on across the country right now.

    I spent quite a few years in the Middle East (in my namesake city) where heat is the norm. I grew up in the East Coast (of the US), where we had 4 seasons, and summers were hot and humid. Continue Reading →

    “You look tired today.”

    It wasn’t meant to be offensive, just an observation from a co-worker whom I respect, when we got on a video call today. The truth is, I’m exhausted. I’m typically really good at hiding how I’m feeling on camera, but not today.

    Continue Reading →

    I have always loved reading, even as a child. I remember reading under the covers until 2am, way past lights out and my bedtime. I would go to the library after school and put my name down on the waiting list for newly released books. I’d (im)patiently wait for my turn. Continue reading →

    I used to LOVE collecting stickers. Every time I traveled or visited some place, if they had stickers, I would get at least one. Over the years, I started facing a dilemma that I never truly faced when I was collecting other things like magnets or keychains: where do I put them? Continue reading →

    Weekends are an interesting concept for me. By the time Sunday night rolls around, I’m already counting down to Friday afternoon, which marks the start of of my weekend. I spend the whole week wishing for the weekend, but why exactly? Continue reading →

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